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Sunday, May 22, 2005


I'll Just summarize this coz I have not much time...üWhen we got on the bus..Kat and I sat on the back and Kevin sat with Alf..On the way, one of the water carriers behind us fell and almost drenched the whole bus! Anyway..after the water works was over.. the "tenseness" (made up word ^.^) of the bus subsided a little and we start playing cards..pusoy dos..amature poker..up until we came to the South Luzon Express Way and stopped to have a quick breakfast..(We chose Starbucks!) *sosyal* So.. after breakfast we got back on the was sooo hot...we stopped at the Laguna Pumping Station..unloaded all our things into a Jeepney..the gals climbed in while the guys and some gals hiked to the location.
When the guys got off the pool to eat, we changed into swimsuits and sort of wadded in the pool. After the guys ate, they joined us there and we all swam up until..2pm? (Im not really sure..) Then, we had 3 pool activities.One was the facial expression game which our team got a big fat 0 (",)..and there was an activity where we dived in the pool to get rocks (that wore me out!) and another where our teams should cross the other end of the pool by using the floater. After all those activities were done, we retreated to our rooms (which by the way is air-conditioned) and played pusoy dos while eating the peanuts that Annabellee provided. ^.^ We played game after game after game til it was time for the mass. Fr. Rocky celebrated the sweltering hot mass by the pool. (ironic? ^.^) Then, we got up to the really really dark roof that was illuminated by three candles and the bright cresent moon and had a solemn activity there where we signed our names at the FCCY Commitment cloth. As we finished, we went back down to the pool and sang and greeted Stephie a happy birthday. Then, some got back into the pool for and evening swim while Kat and I just dipped our feet. 10 pm came and we're still there talking with Marshie when "The Amazing Friends" came close enough to have a chat. Then..Ahia Aga came and The Amazing Friends (hehe) interviewed him about his latest love life which PJ found really interesting. (he kept asking questions and promised to use Ahia Aga's tips and some styles) He talked and talked and we asked and asked up until it was..11:30? (I think) That was when Ahia Aga turned in to sleep. Then, we played pusoy (again) in the pool while pancit canton and fruit cocktail was served. (Yep! in the pool!) Just when our feet got so wrinkly that it was almost undistinguishable when they dried themselves and changed. (I got up and changed into PJ's earlier than the rest) Then, once again, we played pusoy until 2:50 am, interviewing Kevin for some time about his own love life until he, too turned into bed on about 1:30..When we all got hungry by 2, I searched for the Gardania bread and for some peanut butter and we all had an early breakfast. After we kept and cleaned the table by 2:50, we got up to the roof top to star gaze a bit and finally slept in our own beds by 3.
5 am, my alarm rang and I found out that Kat had already waken up. I dressed and waited for Kat to return (she went off to get breakfast) I wasn't really hungry so when I saw Kat was peeling away the sides of the bread, I ate those instead with peanut butter. (what a breakfast! hehe ^.^) I packed my bags and got ready for we were leaving the place in about 30 mins. I, then put my bags outside and we all waited for the jeepney to arrive. We took some final group photos until the jeep came and once again loaded all our belongings in and the girls climbed aboard. Then we were back at the Laguna Pumping Station where the bus was waiting for us. As we all gathered around the jeep and into the bus, we formed a human chain to put all our belongings in bus 802. With the job done, we set off to Manila. As we were in the South Luzon Expressway, we stopped by Starbucks again and had a second breakfast which was more on coffee and tea... Back on the bus, Kat, Kevin, Alfred and I played bluff which involved a lot of shouting and laughter. Only did we know that we were already near Malacanang when Janique and Jessa Bata waved goodbye to us for that was there stop (in Nagtahan). When the bus entered and stopped in the school playground the four of us called goodbye and rushed off to church for they are the choir and they were late. ^.^ Even though I didn't joined in the singing, I still sat alongside them. When the Mass was over, I went to Kat's house and waited for my sundo.
.........THE END...........

Friends as Sisters

Audrey Bianca
Alias: Aboslute

Jessika Claramae
Alias: Milkshake

Kathryn Krizelle
Alias: Icewine

Back to "normal" days...if days were ever normal...

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